New Green

Sustainable Sleep and Vegan Peace

Consumers' interest in eco-friendly and vegan products continues to grow rapidly. In response, many industries are accelerating their production and innovation efforts to cater to millions of people with vegan sensitivities. The mattress industry has also become an important part of this transformation.

Marsala Home offers solutions that allow you to meet consumer demands with exceptional quality. Our vegan mattress ticking, developed and manufactured entirely without animal-derived materials, provides an ideal option for customers who are vegan or sensitive to these concerns.

Green Comfort

Additionally, our fabric contributes to a sustainable future with its use of eco-friendly and recyclable fibers. Its moisture management and quick-drying features enhance sleep comfort and add value to your products.

Recyclable Fibers
Quick Drying
Moisture Management
New Green

We not only improve your sleep quality, but also produce respect for a sustainable world.