Sustainability at Marsala Home

The increasing number of businesses and the excess of consumption in the world have started to threaten the natural foundations of life. As our company, we attach importance to sustainability in the production of textiles and mattress ticking, where water consumption is high, and we make productions that respect nature. Thus, we reduce costs and secure resources for future generations.

Sustainability in the textile industry is about more than the use of natural sustainable raw materials and better working conditions. The consumption of water, energy and chemicals also poses challenges for textile companies at every stage of the chain.

Every day we encounter textiles in many different forms - as knitting, weaving, finishing, washing & dying. Until a finished product is produced, it passes through several production stages.

Every step in the textile chain focuses on different aspects of sustainability, which can be summarized as follows:

• Production factors, including water and energy consumption

• The availability of sustainable raw materials

• The effects of waste production

• The social responsibility of the companies towards the employees and the communities surrounding the plants

• The use of chemicals, including dyes and coatings

• Health risks for textile workers and consumers

Sustainability starts with product design

Raw materials can be sustainable

The materials used for a textile not only determine the structure of the value chain and supply chain, but also the possibilities for recycling. The more different materials and chemicals are used, the more difficult recycling becomes later and the higher the consumption of resources. R&D in the Marsala Home focuses to design the biodegradable, eco-friendly & recyclable products under Go Green collection.

The high energy consumption for knitting, weaving, washing and drying processes is of particular environmental relevance in this production step. Saving energy is therefore also in the interest of our company. With improved process sequences or with energy recovery from the process waste heat, an attempt is made to get the maximum out of the energy consumed.

Finishing can be sustainable and economical

During finishing, the textile is dyed, washed and fixed by heat. Across Europe, around 15,000 chemical substances are available for textile finishing. In addition, the process consumes a lot of water. Innovations therefore aim to reduce the quantities of chemically contaminated wastewater while at the same time reducing the demand for fresh water.

A major challenge for the textile industry is that there are no ecological chemicals available on the market for certain textile functions. The development of ecologically and functionally acceptable alternatives is therefore the focus of innovations. Environmentally friendly methods and the use of plant dyes are topics that are taken up in various projects.

Hope for catching up in fair working conditions

The production of the finished product can only be partially automated and involves a high level of manpower. Occupational safety, child labour and fair wages in particular are a central concern of us.