New Green
Having a Better Future
You can make a difference in the future of the world.
How it works?
To revitalize offsets using new oil, emit less greenhouse gases and conserve water and energy in the process is making a huge difference to our future. For this, Repreve® fiber has launched a new sustainable product that allows customers and consumers to play a positive role without actively solving the ever-growing problem of ocean plastic. To address the root cause of ocean plastic.
Repreve® fiber is produced from bottles that are collected 50 kilometers away from the coastline in countries or regions that lack formal waste or recycling systems.
With the quality of REPREVE®’s branded technology, reliable quality and 100% recycled construction which is produced from marine waste, your sleep areas will be a part of the sustainable eco-cycle.
To have an active role in the sustainable world you too can choose sleep accessories made of REPREVE® fibers.
We not only improve your sleep quality, but also produce respect for a sustainable world.