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Global Mattress Industry Statistics for 2022
Sleep is the best meditation, and there are not many of us who would disagree with that. According to statistics, an average person spends 26 years sleeping during their lifetime. But, how much of all that time is quality sleep? A suitable mattress is one of the essential conditions for good sleep. Since the earliest days of humanity, people have desired to sleep on something comfy. This is why we have listed some of the most interesting mattress industry statistics, so keep reading.

Global Mattress Industry Trends

People are getting more conscious about the importance of good sleep. So it is safe to say that the mattress industry is here to stay since humans desire a cozy mattress as long as they require sleep. But have mattress sales been on the rise? Find out in this section.

1. 2021 mattress industry statistics showed that, in 2028, the global mattress market size is predicted to reach about $42.84 billion.

By wishing to enhance their health, people place great focus on good sleep, and this leads to the massive popularity of organic and natural mattresses worldwide.
According to recent stats on the global mattress market in 2021, the international mattress market was valued at approximately $29.63 billion. Between 2021 and 2028, it is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 4.6%.

2. In 2020, the revenue in the mattress segment grew about 8.3%.

The mattress manufacturing industry’s revenue amounts to $38.18 billion. Although the coronavirus is responsible for the decline in retail sales, it seems to be lucrative for the mattress industry.

The uptick in the mattress industry trends from 2020 persisted thanks to the pandemic since people spent more time at home. This resulted in 4 out of 10 shoppers stating they might be making more extensive household investments.

3. In 2020, the Asia-Pacific market was valued at $12.80 billion.

According to statistics from 2020, Asia Pacific held the highest mattress market share that same year.

Only two years before that, China accounted for 85.4% of mattress, mattress base, and support imports, which made this country one of the largest importers of bed-related materials.

4. According to a survey, 69% of people who shop online choose this option because of COVID-19 concerns.

Mattresses are taking the ecommerce world by storm. As we have seen, in 2019, ecommerce sales amounted to $3.53 trillion globally, so it is no surprise that mattress trends show the same growth.

Moreover, 41% of consumers stated that another reason for shopping online for mattresses is finding a better price online, while 25% stated they don’t have enough time to shop in person.

5. Budget mattress prices go as low as $250, while you can spend as much as $3,500+ on a luxury mattress.

Taking a look at standard mattress rates, we can see that the lowest average price for a queen mattress is $600, while a twin mattress is $400. When it comes to luxury mattresses, the average prices are $1,800 and $1,300 for queen and twin mattresses, respectively.

6. In 2020, the spring/coil segment dominated the global mattress market with 66.79%.

Global mattress industry market share from 2020 also showed that, in terms of material, foam mattresses follow the spring/coil ones, also known as innerspring, while third place belongs to latex mattresses.

7. Only 63% of consumers are satisfied with their innerspring mattress purchase.

As it turns out, the most commonly purchased type of mattress also has the lowest satisfaction ratings. Compared to approximately 80% of satisfied latex and memory foam owners and around 79% of waterbed users, this percentage is relatively low.

8. Mattress statistics show that the hybrid segment is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% by 2027.

This type of mattress is known for improved comfort thanks to innerspring and memory foam/latex, which facilitate healthy sleep, preventing the mattress from sinking in while maintaining the movement of the coil.

In addition to this cooling, organic, and vegan mattresses are some of the latest innovations in the market.

9. The UK mattress market size is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 1.52% between 2021 and 2026.

In 2019, mattress imports to the United Kingdom went up 4.21%, from $666 million in the year before to $694 million. This put the UK in fifth place among all mattress importers.

According to the UK mattress industry statistics, the future looks bright since the mattress businesses have been growing. What’s more, the current pandemic led to increased health consciousness, which then set about the massive shift in this particular sector.

Tahnks for your reading.

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